
Preparation for AWS Certification Exams

  Here is a sample question from the AWS solutions architect exams:   Q: An AWS-using firm has purchased a start-up and wants to move about 100TB data onto AWS within one month. They require a connection to the AWS cloud that is secure, dependable, and private. What is the best option that you would opt for as a AWS solution architect ? A: Use Storage Gateway to transfer first data, then set up VPC peering for further transfers. B: Use Snowball to send the first data and a VPN secure gateway to transfer additional data. C: Use Snowball for the initial data transfer and Direct Connect for subsequent data transfers. D: Set up a VPN Cloud Hub connection for data transfer and future relationships.   Option A can be removed from the list of four possibilities since data transmission via Storage Gateway will take over a month to send 100TB of data. Option B and Option C are both viable possibilities. Option D can be deleted because uploading 100TB of data on VPN Cloud Hub would